Our V-day was pretty low key- we never really do anything special, but we always get eachother a little something. I got Brandon his favorite kinds of candies and a nice card, he washed my car for me and brought me back flowers and drumstick ice cream bars! My favorite thing is a clean car! I can't stand when my car is filthy, but living here, it always is covered in mud, salt, and snow crap. So that was an awesome gift for me!
We set out Avery's v-day basket on the coffee table so when she woke up from her nap she could play with it. We brought her out and she immediately starting ooooooo-ing for it and touching everything that was in it. She had m&m s for her candy and just some cheap trinket toys we found. We all sat on the couch playing with her and eating some candy. We stayed there for about a half hour! Which is record time for her since she never does anything longer than 2 minutes. We love her so much and she brings more joy and laughs and love to us each day she grows!
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